Barisal City Corporation is inhabited by more than 400,000 people with almost 20 slums populated with more than 50,000 uprooted hardcore poor slum dwellers and maximum of the female members in the slums area are involved in sex work directly or indirectly. Apart from this the transport and river navigations workers as well as rickshaw pullers are found to be involved in sex enjoyment with the sex workers. Most of the sex workers who are most vulnerable group for HIV/AIDS Pandemics are found in various hotels or as floating or in the slums. Their main clients are transport and river navigations workers, rickshaw pullers, auto drivers, police personnel, students and other people who are also vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. The transgender and nomadic Bede, who are living in hundreds, are found to be involved in sex work. These people are highly vulnerable to sexual transmitting diseases and HIV. The number of injecting drag users is increasing day by day who are also vulnerable to STD/HIV. In various occasions these people have been aware of HIV but in long run, it has been found that the incessant sex work and sex related professions always holds various risks for sexual transmitting diseases and HIV. So, continuous awareness and advocacy both to vulnerable groups, government authorities and media personnel are quite inevitable in prevention of HIV.
So, in this project massive advocacy programs will be operated both for the vulnerable groups and stakeholders so that Barisal City Corporation area which is being inhabited with more people gradually can be safe and free from HIV. In various occasions some HIV positive patients have been diagnosed in this City Corporation area and still there is more and more chance for HIV positive patients if proper and time actions are not taken. The best way of prevention of HIV is advocacy which can raise the awareness levl in the vulnerable groups and stakeholders to take proper measure to have Barisal City Corporation free from HIV. Aid Organization is registered active members of STD/AIDS Network Bangladesh from 1998. We have operated various advocacy and awareness raising programs to our stakeholders with the support of STI/AIDS Network Bangladesh especially to vulnerable groups of floating sex workers, hotel based sex workers, slum based sex workers, transport workers, police administration, rickshaw pullers, students, transgender, injecting drag users etc. Our programmatic approaches are awareness raising by group meetings, gatherings, holding workshop & seminar, distribution of IEC materials, reproductive health education to slum based adolescent girls and school going girls and we have achieved tremendous results. Still we continuously operate such program at our organizational sphere as we are active especially in the slum areas with other projects.
Plan will be prepared for extra-curriculum activities for the early children schools. As per plan the activities will be conducted. The extra-curriculum activities will be as follows:
Name of the district Name of City Corporation No. of Wards Stakeholders Barisal Barisal City Corporation 30 Wards a) floating sex workers,
b) hotel based sex workers,
c) slum based sex workers,
d) transport workers,
e) police personnel,
f) rickshaw pullers,
g) students,
h) transgender
i) District Administration
j) Media personnel
k) injecting drag users
l) Gypsy BEDE
- To communicate with the stakeholders who are involved in reproductive health to the adolescent girls and most vulnerable people for HIV epidemics.
- To conduct seminar with the stakeholders who are directly involved in reproductive health and HIV prevention such as local government agencies as city corporation authorities, district administration, political leaders and public representatives , teachers of schools and colleges on prevention of HIV/AIDS and reproductive health education for the adolescent groups
- To conduct day long seminar for the media personnel including electronic media and print media personnel so that various awareness raising writings and articles can be broadcasted and published to aware people on HIV prevention and reproductive health education.
- To conduct seminar for the most vulnerable people to HIV such as hotel based & floating sex workers, slum sex workers, injecting drug users, transgender and their stakeholders who are involved in their welfare such as NGOs, hospitals, clinics authorities etc,
- To conduct seminar on HIV and reproductive health with students representatives, school/ College authorities, slum leaders, transport authorities, rickshaw pullers associations, auto drivers’ associations and other workers associations who provide their role and responsibilities for reproductive health education and prevention of HIV.
- Contacts with stakeholders, : The stakeholders and representatives of the most vulnerable groups will be conducted
- List the stakeholders of various categories to conduct 12 separate seminars: A concise list will be made for the seminars. In each seminar 100 stakeholders and participants will be participated, total 1200 participants will be entertained in 12 seminars of different type of stakeholders
- Fixing dates for seminars for each category: In each category the leaders or authorities will act as stakeholders and they will be included as per their involvement with the most vulnerable people to HIV.
- Circulating and delivering notice to the participants: The notice and invitation letters will be forwarded to the stakeholders informing them the objectives of the seminar with date and venue.
- Conducting seminars of HIV prevention and reproductive health education: The seminars will be conducted mainly by the facilitators of experts on HIV prevention and reproductive health educations supplied by the Aid Organization Both the organizations have necessary expertise of HIV prevention and reproductive health education.
- Reporting to the donors: In each month Aid Organization will report to the donor FPAB on the process of implementations of the activities and at the same time if any recommendation and advice is given by FPAB, the Aid Organizations will follow accordingly.
- Follow up advocacy: The follow up program will be performed after the advocacy seminar to assess the implication of the seminar experience in the filed or beneficiary level.