Most of the people of in Aid Organization working area depend on agriculture and normally they engaged in fish culture, livestock rearing, poultry farming etc but still they are unable to achieve as targeted due to inadequate knowledge and improper use of resources. Aid Organization has drawn special attention to establish agriculture-based enterprises for generating employment and income initiating other alternative income sources. Poverty alleviation, local resources mobilization, enhancement of product and marketing, use of improved agricultural facilities/technologies are considered significant elements of this program.
- To create human resources and ensure their access to improved agricultural facilities/technologies.
- To increase saving and resources of organized people.
- To increase women engagement in non-traditional activities.
- To arrange technical training and create scope of work for poorer but efficient development partners.
- To develop entrepreneurs, agricultural production and marketing.
- Provide various human and technical skill development training as well as study tour.
- Provide credit support to entrepreneurs to establish enterprise.
- Organise workshop, session, seminar and agriculture fair.
- Facilitate farmers and entrepreneurs group for gaining access to local bank.