Aid Organization was established in 1998 as a nonprofit, non governmental, non - political, voluntary development organization (NGO). At the begging of Aid Organization few development approaches had been taken in response to the felt needs of the neglected disadvantaged people of the poor communities. Some enthusiastic social worker educationalists and dedicated youth initiated the establishment of the Aid Organization with a view to educate and help its target beneficiaries improving their over all socio-economical condition and standard of their living. The main objectives of Aid Organization are to improved skills based capacity of its target beneficiaries of the under privileged families of the poor communities in rural and urban areas through incessant motivation, training, education, organization building and action programs for their own benefits. Aid Organization is intended to provide necessary technical and financial supports to the target to beneficiaries to acquire adequate Skills and knowledge leading to self employment. Its or theirs objectives are to foster qualitative and quantitative improvement in the living of the target beneficiaries of the poor communities. Aid Organization desires to ensure socio-economic development of the target groups along. with their active and conscious participation in different development activities for their own development and to build a society free from exploitation, oppression and injustice, where every individual will be able to live in peace and harmony. With some of these development initiatives in mind. Aid Organization has been working among the neglected people especially women since its inception, in a spirit of equality, mutual trust and exploitation of human resources for the well being of the marginal families of the poor communities. Aid Organization helps the unemployed youths in acquiring technical skills through different training for their self reliance. Aid Organization forms groups of unemployed women and then works for their empowerment through education, skill development training and then enter with action oriented programs with their participation. Impacts of on-going training and development programs are significant where youths and poor women of the disadvantaged communities are being ensured with necessary supports, they need. And such programs need to be increased and expanded elsewhere in the poor communities, where Aid Organization is active. But adequate financial assistance is an urgent need to meet the growing necessity and to achieve remarkable and sustainable development. Its other objective s to foster qualities and quantitative improvement in the living of the target beneficiaries of the poor communities.
Sl. No Concerned Department Reg. No Date 01 Department of Social Service 534 26-08-1998 02 NGO Affairs Bureau 2595 05-09-2010 03 Youth Development Athidoptor YDA-97SAD-32 03-08-1999 04 Family Planning Department AD -146/2000 08-06-2000 05 LGED ST-2/2-44/96 08-06-2000
The Aid Organization vision is to Sustainable Community achieving equitable education, economic, Women and Child Development, social environment, Climate Change agriculture, Water & Sanitation, Waste management, human rights and Health Development without any Gender Discrimination.
To empower underprivileged Section of the society by taking stand and providing with Financial and logistic support to bring quantities and qualitative changes in their livelihood development for in an Equal and just society implementing the SDG goals by the year 2030.
- To identify and organize the disadvantaged people in group for the Improvement of their living standard.
- Environment Preservation and Climate Change projects.
- To establish human right especially for the women and children and Reduce violence and discrimination.
- To eradicate the literacy by formal and non-formal education.
- To facilitate organized group members in raising their social awareness and enable them to find out root causes of poverty and hunger.
- To make a safety communication and sustainable environment.
- To aware the Gender development and their rights establishment.
- To promote planned families, reducing maternal, child morality and morbidity.
- To improve the awareness of the poor about their deprivation and exploitation through legal Aid training.
- To promote sustainable agriculture, crops production and nursery development.
- To ensure Water & Sanitation facilities to the target people.
- To improve the socio-Economic status of the target groups by Developing the habit of savings, providing skill training and Micro Credit support.
- To provide relief and rehabilitation support s to the disaster People during natural calamities.
Poor People specially Women, Children, Adolescent, Disabled Persons who live below the poverty line most are: Landless, Marginal farmers, Widows, Orphans, Distressed women, Divorced, Day labor, Fisherman & Gypsy Community and Transgender/Intersexes (Hijra) of the Southern part of Bangladesh, Etc.
Aid Organization is consisting of 25 members including 9 of executive body members. This is the highest body of Aid Organization. Executive committee of Aid Organization is compost of all members whose names are listed in the register Like.
Name Profession Sex Position Years on the board Md. Moniruzzaman Social worker Male Chairman 3 years Abdur Rashid Gazi Social worker Male Vice- Chairman 3 years Md. Nasir Uddin Social worker Male Secretary 3 years Mrs. Jamila Begum Social worker Female Treasurer 3 years Pir Golam Morshed Social worker Male Asst. Gen. Secretary 3 years Zahidul Islam Samir Social worker Male Executive Member 3 years Md. Nazrul Islam Social worker Male Executive Member 3 years Mrs. Hafiza Parvin Social worker Female Executive Member 3 years Nahid Sultana Sewly Social worker Female Executive Member 3 years
The Chairman of Aid Organization presides over all meetings of executive committee. The executive committee has power and function among others, as under:
- To give over all policy an direction for efficient functioning of Aid Organization.
- To approve the annual budget of Aid Organization drawn up by the Executive committee of Aid Organization.
- To consider the balance sheet and audit accounts for the Previous year and appoint auditor(s).
- To consider the annual report prepared by executive committee of Aid Organization.
- Develop advocacy and networking
The Executive Committee, subject to the supervision of the General committee, purses and carries out the objectives of Aid Organization as set forth in the constitution of Aid Organization. The executive committee is responsible for the proper management and administration of the affairs of Aid Organization in accordance with the articles of the constitution and rules and by law made there under. The affairs of Aid Organization are managed by an executive committee, which has the responsibility to determine the direction and scope of the activities of Aid Organization. It has also the responsibility to direct designing of programs and their implementation. The executive committee exercise full management and financial control of Aid Organization.
Currently the organization has 40 fulltime paid staff and a lot of volunteers to run its program activities. The table below gives the present status of the staff members of the organization.
Sl Staff Category Number of NGO Staff Core Staff Project Staff Total
Female Male 01 Full time paid staff 15 25 08 32 40 02 Paer time paid staff 01 01 -- 02 02 03 Volunteer 04 02 -- 06 06 04 Others -- -- -- -- -- Grand Total 20 28 08 40 48
- Challenge Taking Mentality
- Responsive and Promptness
- Promote open thinking and liberty
- Listening, learning and Knowledge Sharing
- Confident and commitment
- Innovativeness and Diversification
- Accountability and transparency
- Team Work
- Gender Equality
- Respect to other opinion